Day: August 23, 2020

August 23, 2020

Carrot Cake and the Veggie Conundrum

“Would you like me to eat more vegetables, Mom?” Hmmm…..such a question, that wears such a simple facade, should be answered with caution and care of utmost degree, especially when asked by my smart-alecky nine year old. Now, all this is a wisdom on the hind-sight and my immediate answer to his obviously simple, yet super complicated question was ‘yes, of course!’ And so we […]

August 23, 2020

All that Fit For Fritters!

Laziness has no bounds on weekends, in our house. The bucket load of laundry that bear the evidence of the week’s hard work, another basket load, patiently waiting for their turn to be folded and tucked away, the embarrassingly sticky floors that are in desperate need of mopping, the sink, dishes, cups and other kitchen paraphernalia that are begging to be scrubbed and restored to […]